Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne

We already had one throwback with Lil Jon. We already had a very Japanese inspired video with Pharrel. So what happens when you combine the two when writing a blog post? You get Avril Lavignes Hello Kitty. If you ever wanted to write about strange video, this would definitely be in the top ten. This video is, how do we put this lightly, a little different than classic S8er Boi, Lavigne.

Not that Hello Kitty. It is equally unconformable though.
So, this is, you know, a little different. Kind've one of those 180° flips artists sometimes do. We assume to break out of their comfort zone. However, a lesson to all you young artists out there, this may not be the way you want to go. This video is the absolute embodiment of Japan. At least we think so after all the weird commercials we've seen come out of there. 

japan. wat r u doin.
This video is, what we assume, a tribute to cats? Which is cool, at Joe we love cats. But not when they feature several emotionless dancers, Lavigne in a cupcake skirt, and dubstep. Their are plenty of other ways to show cat-love, mostly through posting kitten pictures on imgur.com. Ok. We know it's a metaphor, but we choose to ignore that because cats are just better. 

Aw. Who's better than meaningful human relationships? You are!
The whole music video is just cringe worthy the whole way through. The scene where she's dancing in a sushi shop, it make us want to curl up into a ball and wonder why anyone would ever make this. We don't care how much you love sushi, nobody is ever that excited. That other scene where she's walking down the street with her (we want to say posse?) and waving at absolutely nobody is just to out there. Why would she do this? WHY?? YOU MADE SUCH GOOD MUSIC! WHY? 

Really hoping that kick to the face would make us forget this existed.
So its review time. This music video does fit the criteria of being unique and outrageous. It also isn't something we'll be forgetting anytime soon. Or ever. But we're going to have to step off of those to things and look at how entertaining it is, and that's we're it falls through. We give Hello Kitty 3 overly excited about sushi Avril Lavignes out of 10.

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