Monday, October 27, 2014

Steal My Girl by One Direction

One Directions new video for Steal My Girl has only been up for three days, and you kids have already given it over 10 million views at the time of this blog. Wow. The song was released about a month ago and was a hit. But why are we watching the music video instead of just listening to it on repeat until our ears fall off? Because it actually pretty fantastic. Which we were totally surprised by coming out of the boy band 1D.

You deserve it One Direction, you deserve it.
The music video is about a One Direction making a music video, or, "music videoception." It starts out pretty generic, band steps out, asks some blah blah questions, whatever. But then in comes one of the best cameos since Mumford and Sons Hopeless Wonderer, Danny Devito. And Danny wants only one thing in this music video, and that thing is balls.

One direction says this man is the greatest director of all time.
In jumps in sumo wrestlers, Niall with some less than PC dancers, and some epic ball smashing *cringe.* Outside of them standing on top of a rock in the middle of the desert, its a pretty unique music video. They even borrowed a monkey with an uncanny resemblance to Devito.

We're not the only ones who see this, right??
While we don't think the scenes are all that impressive, (end scene with enire cast dancing? Is that even possible?) what's included in the scenes are what we love. The shot of that dude throwing paint on the sumo wrestler will live on in infamy. But lets not forget the real star of the music video. Anonymous hula hooping man on rock.

You da real MVP.
After watching it, we think this is a good music video for a good song. Its catchy, its different, but it could stray away from the generic pop video format a little bit more. We give it 8 Danny Devitos out of 10.

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